Air Fryer Fusion

Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes Ready in 15 Minutes

Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes

A golden crisp on the outside, with a cheesy flavorful taste to please all your taste buds- the mouth-wateringly delicious Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes are here for you all!

Today we have brought a simple and tasty dish for all potato lovers, the Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes. This incredibly delicious dish is so simple that anyone can make it even if they’re not a pro cook, and it can also be prepared in a short time. You need less than only 15 minutes to prepare the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in the air fryer. If you are health conscious or are cutting off oil, then let us tell you that they require very less oil so they are a healthier option for you.

This recipe is also vegetarian which makes it an all inclusive dish to be served without any worries. This dish is perfect for all occasions be it parties, dinners, lunches, breakfasts, picnics, guest arrivals, late night hunger attacks, lazy cooking days, etc. Parmesan Sweet Potatoes go well with anything anytime. And if you’re looking to enhance the flavor even more, check out our top 5 dipping sauces for your air fried potatoes.

Come let’s find out more about this recipe.

What are Parmesan Sweet Potatoes?

Parmesan Sweet Potatoes is a delicious dish that can be prepared in a short period of time. It takes only 15 minutes to be fully prepared so you can make it anytime you want to. A lot of people complain that when they make Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes they do not turn out to be crispy enough. Therefore, today we will teach you how to make golden, crispy, crunchy, and flavorful Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in an Air Fryer by following just a few simple steps.

This dish is a healthier alternative for the regular potato dishes that are prepared through conventional ways. Therefore, you can enjoy it without worrying about health issues.

Ingredients Needed to Make Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in Air Fryer

SWEET POTATOES: Choose potatoes that are fresh and heavy without scrapes or soft spots. No need to peel them! Regular potatoes will work for this recipe as well.

OIL: For oil, we recommend using olive oil because it has a clean, herby flavor and a high smoke point that makes it perfect for air frying. You can also use avocado oil which has its own flavor and benefits.

SEASONINGS: Season those spuds just like the recipe calls for, or mix the parmesan cheese with any of these DIY blends for a new spin on your fries every time!

Use a basic seasoned salt blend, make spicy spuds with cajun seasoning, or try everyone’s fave ranch-style seasoning.

GARLIC: Use garlic powder or a fresh minced clove to add a strong flavor to the parmesan sweet potatoes.

 PARMESAN: Our recommendation and preference will always be fresh cheese that is finely grated. However, you can use whatever you find convenient for you. Just make sure that the cheese is finely grated.

BUTTER: Who doesn’t love buttery butter? Add salted butter to this recipe for added flavor to the dish.

Three Ways to Cut Sweet Potatoes

Three Ways to Cut Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes have a distinctively irregular shape and size. It has pointy ends in an oblong kind of form and cutting them to make them perfectly shaped and sized is nothing less than an art. You can effortlessly chop your sweet potatoes into a geometrical and beautifully uniform shape by following some simple steps mentioned below in our 3 ways to cut sweet potatoes.

  1. Slicing Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potato Slices

  • Start by taking medium size sweet potatoes and try to look for ones that are not too long. This will ensure that you can use the full length of the sweet potatoes as the length of the fry.
  • You need not forget that these air fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes will shrink after cooking, so look for a shape slightly longer than the ideal fry length.
  • Wash the sweet potatoes and scrub off the dirt from the skin. Curious about the best potato varieties for air frying? Dive into our guide.
  • Peel the hard skin using a vegetable peeler in whichever way you like, for example completely or in random patches if you want.
  • If you have removed the skin, you can save it for another recipe. However, if you have not, then you can also leave it just like that too. (The skin’s delicious too)
  • Gently place the sweet potato on a cutting board and cut thin pieces (the cheeks) from its sides.
  • Trim off the pointy ends.
  • Cut the sweet potato into ½-inch wide slices. Make sure to cut them in half lengthwise.
  • Cut the slices into ½-inch thick match sticks. Remember that the thinner you cut, the crispier your dish will turn out.

And here you have your sliced sweet potatoes ready to be air fried.

  1. Chopping Parmesan Sweet Potato Cubes

  • Wash the sweet potatoes and scrub off the dirt from the skin.
  • Peel the hard skin using a vegetable peeler in whichever way you like, for example completely or in random patches if you want. You can also leave it just like that. (The skin’s delicious too)
  • Gently place the sweet potato on a cutting board and cut thin pieces (the cheeks) from its sides.
  • Trim off the pointy ends.
  • Cut the sweet potato into ½-inch wide slices.
  • Cut the slices into ½-inch thick match sticks just as you do while preparing fries.
  • Take each slice and stagger them together. Then cut them into ½-inch cubes. (It is all right if they are not exactly equal in size. Moreover, the size may also vary according to your preference)

And you have your beautifully chopped Sweet Potato Cubes.

  1. Cutting Parmesan Sweet Potato Wedges:

  • Wash the sweet potatoes and scrub off the dirt from the skin.
  • Peel the hard skin using a vegetable peeler in whichever way you like, for example completely or in random patches if you want. You can also leave it just like that. (The skin’s delicious too)
  • Gently place the sweet potato on a cutting board and cut thin pieces (the cheeks) from its sides.
  • Trim off the pointy ends.
  • Cut each potato in half lengthwise.
  • Cut each half of the sweet potato into 3 or 4 long spears (This way you will get 6 to 8 wedges per potato)
  • Cut each spear into ¾ -inch to 1-inch wide wedges.

Just remember to cut all the wedges uniformly so that they can be cooked evenly.

How to Make Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in Air Fryer?


How to Make Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in Air Fryer

Preparing the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in an oven takes about 20 -25 elongated minutes, plus it also requires a lot of oil which is not quite healthy. If you want to save time and are health conscious, you can prepare the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in an Air Fryer. All you need to do is follow some simple steps to get your fries ready in mere 12 – 15 minutes:

Step 1: Start by preheating the air fryer at 230 degrees C.

Step 2: Soak potato wedges in cold water, drain and pat them with a paper towel.

Step 3: While the air fryer is preheating, take your chopped Parmesan Sweet Potatoes and place them in a bowl. Pour a little oil and toss to coat properly.

Step 4: Then season with simple ingredients such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, chipotle powder, and paprika and mix until all fries have been evenly coated. You can also mix with your hands to ensure the proper coating of the fries.

Step 5: Combine the rosemary and parmesan cheese in a bowl and add all the sweet potatoes to it. Add as much cheese as you like.

Step 6: Once the coating is done, transfer the fries in the preheated air fryer basket in a single layer. Make sure that you avoid crowding them because in that case the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes will not turn out crispier. To avoid this, you can cook in batches, 2 or 3, depending on the size of your air fryer and the quantity of your fries.

Step 7: Air fryer at 300 degrees C about 15 minutes. Make sure that you are turning the fries or shaking the basket half way.

Step 8: Check if your fries have become golden and crispy. If not, then you can air fry for 1 or 2 more minutes.

Step 9: Once they’re golden crispy, take them out in a serving dish. Place more in the air fryer basket if you are cooking in batches.

Step 10: You can top it with extra herbs and cheese too.

Step 11: Serve, and devour the delicious air fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes that are ready in just a few minutes.

Hot to Cook Frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in Air Fryer?

Hot to Cook Frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in Air Fryer

You can also make frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes in the air fryer. There are plenty of brands providing great quality frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes that taste exactly like fresh ones. You can get any one of those packets and cook them by following the same method that we mentioned above.

If you have extra parmesan sweet potatoes, you can store them too for later use. Just neatly pack them using an aluminum foil inside an air tight container and keep them inside a refrigerator. These ones can last for 4 to 5 days. For longer storage just keep them inside the freezer and they can last for up to 3 months or so. Later just take them out and prepare them in the air fryer whenever you desire and they are good to go.


  • How long do the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes take to be prepared in the Air Fryer?

Usually, it takes only 15 minutes for the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes to be prepared in the Air Fryer with a soft texture and slight crunch. However, if you like your Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes more crispy, you can cook them for slightly longer i.e. 1 or 2 more minutes while making sure to monitor them.

  • Are Frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes tasty to eat?

Oh Yes! The Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes are a delight to eat! They are perfect for all kinds of people: kids, elder ones, health conscious, vegetarian, picky eaters, go-to eaters, etc. So try our recipe now.

  • Can I air fry frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes?

Yes, you can easily air fry frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes. There are plenty of brands available in the market for frozen green bean packets. They taste exactly like fresh ones and are healthy as well. The frozen Parmesan Sweet Potatoes can also be conveniently prepared in the air fryer in just a few minutes.

  • How many calories do the Air Fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes have?

One cup of Parmesan Sweet Potatoes contains 119 calories per serving. It has 14 g of carbs, 1 g of protein, and 7 g of fat.

  • How to cut sweet potatoes?

There are various ways to cut sweet potatoes in different shapes and sizes. We have mentioned detailed description of 3 different ways on how to cut sweet potatoes so you can check that out on our page.

  • Are Parmesan Sweet Potatoes healthy to eat?

Yes, the Parmesan Sweet Potatoes are a healthier option than regular potatoes. Moreover, when cooked in an air fryer instead of conventional oven or deep frying methods, its healthiness increases even more because it cuts off all the extra oil.


The air fryer Parmesan Sweet Potatoes is a simple, quick, and delicious dish. It serves as a perfect dish to go with any main course, fulfill your midnight hunger cravings, a cute picnic side dish, or a quick snack, and the versatility goes on and on. Parmesan Sweet Potatoes are also a 100% vegan and gluten-free which makes it an inclusive dish. It is healthy too because it uses very less oil unlike other cooking methods because it uses advanced air fryer technology. You should also try making this dish by following our recipe and enjoy devouring the flavorful Parmesan Sweet Potatoes.



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