Air Fryer Fusion

Reheat pizza in air fryer – (Thin, Deep dish & Crispy)

Reheat pizza in air fryer

Tired of soggy lackluster reheated pizzas? Be amazed by the mouth-watering magic that is going to happen when you reheat pizza in air fryer, delivering a symphony of flavors and textures you won’t believe.

When we talk about leftover pizzas, using the right methods for reheating them makes a huge difference. One of the best options is to reheat pizza in air fryer. It retains the crispy texture of the pizza and assures that all the toppings are reheated perfectly.

This article will shed light on the considerations and techniques for reheating different types of pizza by providing all the information that is necessary for the perfect balance of crispy crust and melty toppings.

Can you reheat pizza in an air fryer?

Of course, You can reheat pizza in air fryer. Moreover, it is a better option to air fry leftover pizza because it helps in retaining the crispiness of the pizza. It has an excellent heating result as it also heats the toppings of the pizza.

How to reheat pizza in an air fryer?

Reheating pizza in the air fryer is very simple. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Set the temperature of air fryer to around 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to note that every air fryer is different therefore, they have different temperature settings. Do check your air fryer setting for reheating the pizza.
  2. Once it is preheated, take out the air fryer’s basket and place the leftover pizza into the basket.
  3. Reheat the pizza at the same temperature for 3 to 5 minutes. This timing of the reheating depends on two factors: the thickness of the crust as well as the amount of topping on the pizza. Keep heating it until the cheese melts perfectly.

Note: Monitor the pizza closely while reheating to make sure that it will not burn. If you see that the cheese is getting brown or the crust is getting crispy, take it out of the air fryer.

  1. Once it has been reheated, remove the pizza slices from the air fryer using things or a spatula.
  2. Wait for a few minutes until the pizza cools down and enjoy it!!!

Chef’s special tips and tricks to use air fryer to reheat pizza

  1.     Preheat the air fryer: One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you should always preheat the air fryer even for reheating the food. Preheating the air fryer before placing the pizza slices ensures even and consistent heating throughout the reheating process.
  2.     Use a lower temperature: Although it is recommended to set the temperature to 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit (175-190 degrees Celsius), you can lower the temperature. You can heat the pizza for a long time to ensure that it would not burn out.
  3.     Elevate the pizza: For excellent reheating results, it is recommended to elevate the pizza while elevating. Use a perforated basket or place a tang in the basket to do this. It will make sure that your pizza is getting heat from all angles to ensure even cooking.
  4.     Sprinkle some water: Sometimes pizzas dry out while reheating. Therefore, according to the professional chef, it is better to sprinkle some water on the pizza. This will maintain moisture while cooking.
  5.     Add oil to the pizza: It is also recommended to brush a little bit of oil while reheating pizza in air fryer. It will make the crispiness and flavor even better. However, it is important to add very little oil to the pizza, otherwise, it would become greasy.
  6.     Frequent Checks: Do not place the pizza in the air fryer and forget it for 5 minutes. The thickness and toppings of the pizza crust have a huge impact on the preheating. Therefore, keep checking it frequently to make sure that it will not burn out.
  7.     Let it rest: It is advised to not eat the air fried pizza quickly as it comes out of the air fryer. Wait for a few minutes and then eat it. It will settle the flavors and prevent your mouth from burning.

How to reheat Frozen Pizza in air fryer?

reheat Frozen Pizza in air fryer

Reheating frozen pizza in air fryer is mostly the same as air frying leftover pizza. You can follow the below-mentioned steps to air fry frozen pizza.

  1. Turn on your Air fryer and Preheat it to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. If your pizza is covered in a plastic or paper bag, remove it. However, do not remove the tray or cardboard circle it came with. It will maintain its shape and the topping will not fall away.
  3. Cook it for 8 to 10 minutes. The crust’s thickness and the amount of toppings impact the reheating timing. Keep checking the pizza so that it will not overcook or burn out.
  4. If the crust is getting too hard or the cheese is browning quickly, you can reduce the temperature as well as the cooking time slightly.
  5. When the timer ends, the pizza is ready, remove it from air fryer now.

Why reheat leftover pizza in an air fryer?

reheat leftover pizza in an air fryer

Reheating the pizza in an air fryer has several benefits. Some of them are as follows:

  1.     An advantage of reheating pizza in air fryer is that it retains the crispiness of the crust. Due to that, the pizza remains the same as the original crust.
  2.     The air fryers provide the even heating of the pizza. The hot air circulates and heats the pizza from all sides. It will retain the moisture of the crust and it does not become chewy.
  3.     They usually have a fast-preheating time. It allows the pizza to be cooked in an even manner. Now you can quickly enjoy the pizza due to the fast heating.

Can you make additional toppings while reheating the leftover pizza air fryer?

Yes, you can make additional toppings while reheating the pizza. To do so, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Add your favorite toppings to your leftover pizza. It includes cheese, vegetables, meats, herbs, or any other toppings you prefer.
  2. Preheat your air fryer to around 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Once it is preheated, take out the air fryer’s basket and place the leftover pizza into the basket.
  4. Reheat to 400 to 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 to 4 minutes.
  5. Closely look at the pizza when it is reheating so that you can know that the additional topping is melting down.
  6. When pizza is reheated, cool it down and enjoy!!!

How do you warm up pizza in an air fryer to make it crispy?

How do you warm up pizza in an air fryer to make it crispy

To warm up pizza in an air fryer to make it crispy, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Set the air fryer at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for reheating.
  2. Put the pizza in air fryer basket. Do not overlap or stack them.
  3. Reheat to 400 to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. This higher temperature would crisp the crust of the pizza.
  4. Make sure that you only heat the pizza for 3 to 4 minutes; otherwise, it would stick to the basket.
  5. Check the crispiness of the pizza. If it is as per your preference, take it out of the air fryer.
  6. Before serving, cool it down.

How do you reheat thin-crust pizza in an air fryer?

Reheating the thin crust pizza is one of the biggest problems as it turns out too quickly. To reheat thin-crust pizza in the air fryer, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Set the air fryer at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for reheating.
  2. Put the pizza in the air fryer basket.
  3. For 3 to 4 minutes, reheat the pizza.
  4. Keep a sight on the pizza so it doesn’t burn out.
  5. Once it is reheated, check it for the desired crispiness. If you want the pizza to be more crispy, reheat it for a few more minutes.
  6. Remove the pizza from the basket and check for the desired crispiness.

Note: As the reheating time varies for the different air fryers. Therefore, keep an eye on the pizza while reheating.

Does the type or kind of pizza I want to reheat in the air fryer make a difference?

Does the type or kind of pizza I want to reheat in the air fryer make a difference

Of course!!! The kind of pizza that you want to reheat in the air fryer affects the heating process. Below, you can read about reheating process of different crusted pizzas.

  1.     Crust thickness: The thin-crust pizzas are easier to reheat. They get reheated quickly. Reheating deep dish or stuffed pizza in air fryer takes a longer time to reheat as we need to make sure that all the crust is heated all the way through.
  2.     Amount of Toppings: If the pizza has rich toppings including a lot of cheese, vegetables, and meat, it will take a bit longer to reheat pizza in air fryer to ensure that all the contents are heated perfectly. However, if the pizza had fewer toppings, it would be heated quickly.
  3.     Size and Shape: Another important factor that affects the reheating process of pizza is its size and shape. If the slices of the pizza are of large or irregular size, the temperature needs to be adjusted according to it.
  4.     Some Considerations: Some special types of pizza like those with gourmet toppings require us to keep a close eye on them while reheating because they burn out too quickly. Set the temperature accordingly to preserve the toppings.


1. What temperature to reheat pizza in air fryer?

The recommended temperature for reheating pizza in air fryer is 350 to 375 degrees. However, it can vary as per the crispiness of the crust and the amount of the topping.

2. Should you use aluminum foil or parchment paper while reheating pizza in air fryer?

It is not necessary to use aluminum foil or parchment paper to reheat pizza in air fryer. It acts as a barrier and sometimes affects the even reheating process. Reheating the pizza in the aluminum foil will retain the moisture, therefore, the crust would not be crispy. Therefore, for a crispy pizza, it is recommended to put it directly in the air fryer basket. Compared to that, parchment paper is a better option as it prevents the pizza from sticking.

3. Is it better to use an oven or air fry pizza?

Although both of the options for reheating pizza are good, both have their unique qualities. When you reheat pizza in air fryer, it retains the crispy crust, ensures quick heating, and is energy efficient. Compared to that, reheating in the oven retains moisture and ensures even heating. Therefore, it is your priority which one you want to choose.

4. How long does it take for air fryer to reheat pizza?

The timing for reheating pizza in an air fryer varies from air fryer to air fryer because different brands set different timing schedules. Moreover, various things affect the timing of reheating such as the thickness of the crust and the amount of topping.


All in all, we have provided a deep insight to perfectly reheat pizza in the air fryer by answering all of your questions regarding the reheating process in the air fryers. We hope that you will be able to do that perfectly now.



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