Air Fryer Fusion

How to Reheat Wings in Air Fryer – Ready in 5-8 Minutes

Reheat Wings in Air Fryer

It’s time to transform leftover wings into a sizzling delight. Let the air fryer do its magic and make the wings crispy and tender to give your taste buds a perfect treat. Reheat Wings in Air Fryer and enjoy a flavorful treat as the taste melts down in every single bite….

For all the leftover lovers, reheating chicken wings in air fryer is a total game changer. The air fryer’s magic gives new life to the soggy and cold leftover wings. In this article, we will introduce you to the new tricks and hacks to help you in reheating crispy wings in the air fryer!

How to reheat wings in air fryer?

Reheating wings in the air fryers is very easy. All you need to do is to follow some simple steps which are as follow:

  1. Preheat the Air Fryer: Preheating is a necessary process while reheating wings in the air fryer. Set the temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and preheat it. Doing this will help you in giving the crispy texture while reheating.
  2. Put the wings into the air fryer: Once the air fryer basket is reheated, put the leftover wings into the air fryer. Make sure that you place all of them in a single layer without overcrowding them, otherwise, they would not get evenly reheated from all sides.
  3. Set the time and temperature: After setting the basket, set the temperature at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Set the timing for 5 minutes and leave the for reheating. However, it is very important to keep an eye on the air fryer while reheating them and keep shaking it eventually.
  4. Give a quick check: After 5 minutes, check if the wings are evenly reheated or not. If they are not properly heated, reheat them for 3 to 5 minutes more. However, keep monitoring them so that they would not burn out.
  5. Cool Down and Serve: Take out the reheated wings from the air fryer in a tray. Let them cool down for a few minutes. Transfer them to a serving utensil and serve them with your favorite sauces!

Chef’s Tips and Tricks to Reheat Wings in Air Fryer

Tips and Tricks to Reheat Wings in Air Fryer

  1. Spray oil on the wings: While reheating the wings in the air fryer, it is recommended to spray a little bit of oil on them. It would give the wings a crispy texture. However, do not spray too much oil, otherwise, the wings would become greasy.
  2. Do not overcrowd the basket: One of the most important things that we need to keep in mind while reheating wings in the air fryer is to not overcrowd it. If we do that, the wing would not be evenly heated. Therefore, if you want to reheat a large quantity of wings in the air fryer, do that in batches.
  3. Thaw the frozen wings: If you are using frozen wings in the air fryer, it is very important to thaw them before reheating. It will ensure that the wings cook uniformly.
  4. Reheat Wings in Air Fryer without Sauce: It is recommended to reheat wings in Air fryer without the sauce. It would ensure that the wings would remain crispy. If you want a sauce with the wings, toss them after it is reheated. It would also prevent the sauce from becoming very sticky while coming into contact with the hot air.

Is it possible to reheat sauced chicken wings in the air fryer?

Yes, you can reheat the sauced wings in the air fryer. However, it is recommended to reheat them without the sauce as it would make them sticky and soggy.

How to reheat sauced wings in the air fryer?

How to reheat sauced wings in the air fryer

The process of reheating sauced wings differs slightly from the process of reheating normal wings. Here is a procedure to do it easily:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the sauced wings into the air fryers, set the temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, and cook them for 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. After 3 to 5 minutes, flip the wings with the spatula or thongs in the basket so that they can get reheated evenly.
  4. Now reheat the other side for 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. Check for the doneness, if they are done, take them out from the air fryer, cook them for a few minutes, and serve.

Note: it is very important to closely monitor the sauced wings while reheating because the sauced wings have a higher chance of sticking out in the air fryer.

How to reheat frozen wings in the air fryer?

How to reheat frozen wings in the air fryer

Reheating frozen wings in the air fryer is not difficult. It has a similar procedure to reheating regular wings. however, you need to make certain changes in the procedure that is thawing. Thawing is very important if you want to reheat frozen wings. It makes them soft and they get evenly cooked. However, if you are not thawing, increase the heating time.

How to make a new dish by air-frying the leftover wings?

The leftover wings can turn into an amazing new dish. Today we will share a recipe for air-fried buffalo wraps with you!!!

The ingredients that you need for this recipe include:

  1. Leftover reheated chicken wings
  2. Flour tortillas or wraps
  3. Shredded lettuce
  4. Sliced tomatoes and red onions
  5. Ranch dressing
  6. Buffalo sauce


  1. Reheat the leftover wings into the air fryer by using the above-mentioned procedure.
  2. Once they are cool, separate the meat from the wings and discard the bones.
  3. Shred the meat into small pieces so that they could be easily assembled within the wraps.
  4. The next step is to prepare the tortillas for assembly. Preheat the air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and place the tortilla wraps into it and heat them for 1 to 2 minutes so that they would be warm enough to get folded for the tortilla.
  5. On a warm tortilla, apply a thin layer of dressing and put all the veggies and meat on it. now apply a layer of buffalo sauce as per your spice level.
  6. Place the wraps into the air fryer basket and cook them for 3 to 5 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Once they are cooked, serve them with your favorite sauces and enjoy.

This is our recipe but you can customize it by adding various ingredients such as avocados, capsicum any other veggies, cheese, sour crème, etc. They would make the wraps more delicious and easy to use.

Best Sauces and Dips with the Reheated Air Fried Wings

  1. Buffalo Sauce: If you like to have some spicy and fiery sauce with wings, this one is best for you.
  2. Barbeque Sauce: If you are looking for some smoky and sweet flavor with the reheated wings, this is one of the classic options for you.
  3. Honey Mustard: For all the people who want to enjoy sweet yet tangy sauce with wings, it is a great option for them.

Veggies and Siders with the Reheated Air Fryer Wings

The reheated air fryer wings can be combined with multiple veggies and siders to complete the meal. Some of the best options for reheated air-fried wings include:

  1. Celery and Carrot Sticks: They are one of the classical combos with wings. The healthy and refreshing carrots and celery contrast with the spicy wings.
  2. Coleslaw: Coleslaw is the most common combo with the wings. You can go with the regular one or enjoy the other coleslaw flavors like apple or spicy.
  3. Salad: A classical salad with a variety of veggies like cucumber, tomatoes, corn, bell peppers, and lettuce is a great option to go with the wings.


How long to reheat wings in air fryer?

It is recommended to reheat the wings for 10 minutes. However, if they are not evenly reheated, increase the timing.

Are we supposed to use oil in reheating wings in an air fryer?

No, it is not necessary to put the oil in the wings while reheating them because wings are the fatty part of the chicken and they contain natural oil. However, if you want your wings to be extra crispy, you should sprinkle some oil drops on them.

Can we reheat the wings in an air fryer more than once?

Yes, you can reheat the wings in the air fryer multiple times. However, it is not recommended to reheat them multiple times because the wings would become dry and their texture would be affected as well. Therefore, it is better to reheat them only once and eat them.

How long to air fry chicken wings at 400?

At 400 degrees Fahrenheit, we are supposed to reheat the wings for 10 minutes.


I hope after reading this article, you will know how to reheat wings in air fryer properly at home. We have fully shared the information about things related to reheating chicken wings in the air fryer. We hope that this all would enhance your wings reheating experience. Follow our tips, tricks, and hacks, and enjoy restaurants like wings!



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